In yesterday's session, the party was without Sal, so he was NPCed for the session. We ended up starting late as well, so it was a bit of a short session, consisting of just one encounter. On to the recap.
The party was given the location of Malowren's arcane sanctum by Nuha Raad, who had successfully translated the book Erdan had found on Mazerant. They headed on, finding some gold along the way, and eventually reached the location Nuha had directed them to. It turned out to be merely a cave with a stone door in it, but through their arcane prowess, Erdan & Hars managed to disenchant the magic seal on the door, dissolving the door itself. Inside they found a fantastical structure with surfaces of shimmering crystal and stained-glass doors bearing innumerable hues. Within the sanctum's atrium, they found a strange pinkish liquid - liquid residuum, unstable and highly acidic. There were also a set of four glyphs (binding glyphs of some sort), and a large door, bracketed by the glyphs, and inscribed with a number of glowing runes. There were also five doors - one to the west, one to the northwest, one to the north, one to the northeast, and one to the east.
After exploring the main chamber, they headed through the east door. Beyond, they found a room with a 20-foot chasm containing more liquid residuum, a number of inactive warforged constructs in the north and south on their side of the chasm, and four drake statues with strange projectors on them. The room also held a large dish-shaped object on the other side of the chasm, pointed at the door. The party quickly discovered the drakes were alive, and combat began. The projectors on the drakes turned out to be projectors for walls of force energy, and the dish-shaped object, an arcane generator, fired blasts at them while the drakes attacked and the warforged advanced. This encounter was full of push effects, and many members of the party were thrown about as the creatures attacked. Hars, Erdan, Turok and Kivuli were all endangered at one point - Hars and Erdan from the attacks of the drakes, Turok and Kivuli from being thrown into the chasm by the push effects. Thomnall managed to leap his way into the chasm, but thanks to a rope being cast down by Turok, he succeeded in escaping.
This encounter was basically the entire session - there were a few points of excitement, so to speak, such as the aforementioned casting of Turok and Kivuli into the pit, and Erdan being pinned to the wall by the force walls of two drakes; in the end, the party emerged victorious (though by the end of the encounter Sterling and Traver had to depart and were thus NPCed for the remainder of the fight). The group decided to take a short rest, and we ended things there.
Not a lot to cover in this one; of the characters NPCed only Turok was ever hit by attacks (during time he was NPCed). Check with me for your current health/healing surge total/etc. next session; Sterling and Traver, remember to spend healing surges if you want/need to at the start of next session. Thanks for reading, see you guys next week!
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